Sometimes people ask me “Are you an Elvis fan?” Of course I am, why else should I paint and draw so many Elvis portraits… It started during a vacation when I was 10 or 11 years old. My uncle was singing the first three lines of Blue Suede shoes all the time. I was curious
I like to listen to the radio while working. But of course I also like to listen to Elvis a lot of times. Below are my favorite albums. • 50.000.000 Elvis fans can’t be wrong • Elvis is back! • Something for everybody • Elvis’ Golden Records vol.3 • From Elvis in Memphis • Back
Since I started on the new “The Movies series” in the “Elvis in Charcoal series” I thought about my favorite Elvis movies and how many times I saw some of them. When I was in my teens and had to babysit my little brother, who is almost ten years younger than me, I had two