After all the “Elvis in Charcoal” drawings I made I really enjoyed working on “Elvis in Pencil no. 10. So I decided to make another one in pencil. I always liked this image from the ’68 Comeback special with the little smile on his lips. The first step was to make a very light drawing,
I finished all three Elvis drawings I had planned for January. One from the fifties, one from the sixties and one from the seventies. I will spend the remaining days of January experimenting with some new (for me) materials. Elvis in Charcoal #290, No title Charcoal, ink and White chalk on colored paper, 40 x
February 26 until March 3, 2020 I’ve been selecting new Elvis images for the month of March. I always do that at the beginning of a new month so I already know what I’m going to draw in the coming month. And there is a new assignment from Ireland, a oil painting with a size
February 19 until 25, 2020 Last week I made two Elvis in Charcoal drawings, the first one n0. 232 is from an image from “Change of habit” and the second one is from the fifties with Elvis wearing his cool red jacket. Elvis in Charcoal #232, No title Charcoal, ink, and White chalk on colored
February 5 until 11, 2020 Oil painting The assignment I was working on for a while now has arrives on it’s destination. It went to Ireland. The reference image was very bad, unsharp and small. I looked everywhere for a better quality image but couldn’t find it anywhere. But on the day that I decided
Work in progress This image was brought to my attention by a Facebook friend, it is a cropped image of Elvis and Tom Jones. Elvis looking at his best! And I’m not the only one who likes this image, it was already sold after posting the “work in progress” image on social media. It’s now
The 200th Elvis in Charcoal drawing! I always loved the movie “That’s the way it is” and there are more people because this drawing was sold too long before it was finished. This one is going to the United Kingdom. Image made darker to show the drawing Detail in progress Almost halfway The shirts were
Another assignment from a regulat client from Ireland, he has almost enough Elvis Art to start a museum 🙂 First color layer Elvis is almost done Elvis in Colored pencil, No title Colored pencil on Stonehenge paper, 27 x 40 cm, 2019. SOLD Visits:1101 Total: 146304 Follow
The reference image for this drawing is from the same photoshoot as Elvis in charcoal #194. Elvis playing some records in 1956. Both of these drawings were bought by the same Elvis fan from the USA! In progress Elvis in Charcoal #197, No title Charcoal, ink and White chalk on colored paper, 30 x 20
It was challenging drawing all the folds and creases in his shirt. I like that kind of stuff. There are at least four different photos from this photoshoot. I’m going to draw some more later. Work in progress Elvis in Charcoal #194, No title Charcoal, ink and White chalk on colored paper, 40 x 30