This is an drawing of Elvis signing authographs at the driveway gate of his house at 1034 Audubon Drive in Memphis. I made a painting of this photo in 2007. I always liked the green jacket he is wearing here, I made several paintings and drawings of it. Browse through this blog to find some
It was challenging drawing all the folds and creases in his shirt. I like that kind of stuff. There are at least four different photos from this photoshoot. I’m going to draw some more later. Work in progress Elvis in Charcoal #194, No title Charcoal, ink and White chalk on colored paper, 40 x 30
This drawing is bigger than the usual Elvis in Charcoal drawings. Because it’s Elvis from head to toes instead of a portrait.This reference photo has always been one of my favorites. It was sold before it was finished… Work in progress 1 Work in progress 2 Work in progress 3 Elvis in Charcoal
A little update. I wrote that I was going to finish the background first … but I couldn’t resist starting with the clothes 🙂 Visits:397 Total: 144088 Follow
In this sketch I changed the 2008 jacket, shirt and tie to a Sixties outfit. I’m going to take a good look at the heads, maybe I’m going to replace them one more time. Then I finaly can start with the live sized drawing!! Visits:554 Total: 144088 Follow
I choose different clothing for the “Fifties Elvis”. I thought that the clothes I choose before are a bit dark. I picked the light striped coat that you see a lot on photos of Elvis from the Fifties. I’m working on a rough sketch for the Sixties and when that is finished I’m going to
These clothes I want to use for the “Seventies Elvis”. Elvis wore this shirt and belt in 1970 during rehearsals for the movie “That’s the way it is”. Visits:265 Total: 144088 Follow
These clothes i want to use for the “Fifties Elvis”. Elvis wore this outfit in January 1956 during record sessions in New York. Visits:324 Total: 144088 Follow